Tuesday, April 2, 2013


Image:Samantha & Kristina by Amber Grey for Marie Claire China February 2011
I love wearing perfume…but most of the time it doesn’t last longer than my happy tummy on a lunch break, so I do some research on how to spray your perfume to make it last longer. Surprisingly I find out I’ve broken many single rules on how to do it right. Here it some of my finding..hope it can help you deliberate your scent and sensibility….
“a woman should apply perfume in those areas where she would like to be kissed” –Coco Chanel quote is the first base on how to do it right, how do so ? :

  1. Pulse Point: Our kiss spot (owh well at least mine J ) are Inner wrist, base of throat, behind ear lobes, cleavage, behind knees and inner elbows.
Why? : This spot are our pulse point where they’re generally warmer area compared to the rest of our bodies so somehow it enhanced the scent of fragrance and as you go through your active day, the scent will react to your body heat and continue to emit scent.
2. Layering: perfume set such as shower gel. body lotion and body mist is made by cause
Why? : the range has the scent as the perfume has to be applied on our pulse points before spraying the perfume. During shower using shower gel, after shower put on the body lotion and after half of your day gets it light with the body mist, it’s called layering. This step help not only helps prevent dryness by minimizing moisture loss at the present of alcohol from the fragrance, it will help it last longer but not project better (note)
3. The Hair: head to toe scent will perfecting the whole better scent of you.
Why: spraying a little mist in your hair is a great way to leave a hint of scent in your present as the wind blows it or just by simply sit next to you but becareful not to appy it on your freshly-washed hair or natural oils (any lingering hair product) it will affect the odor. Spray it at min. 8 inches from your hair.
4. Less Is More: remember the first rule in beauty world
Why? : as we age our sense of smell begun to dull so it tend to make our olfactive systems shut down and that’s what makes us tend to not smell our own perfume after we applied it.
Do’s and Donts:
  1. Do not rubbing your wrist after spray, it will crushing the scent
  2. Do not applying it on clothes it can stain and also doesn’t diffuse the scent as nicely as the natural oils in our skin.
  3. Do not spray it on your scalp or too close to your hair, it will cause dryness of your hair and chemical imbalance
  4. Do not spray it under your arm pit,
  5. Do store them in the dark place room away from direct sunlight
  6. Do moisturized before spray the perfume because oil in skin trap the fragrance note and make it last longer
  7. Do spray it right after you shower it help the scent last longer because your pores still open

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